All about Phelida our production manager

All about Phelida our production manager

We are blessed with a wonderful team who light up a room with their smile and joy. Each team member has a story showing deep courage, resilience and positivity. Here is a look at our incredible Production manager Phelida Daka.

My favourite thing about work is looking at how Mulberry Mongoose & its team support each other is what gives me joy  Phelida Daka

Her favourite design: Our Concentric snare necklace

Phelida has worked for Mulberry Mongoose for over 5 years and been promoted to Shop assistant and now Production Manager. Phelida stunned us in her first year by teaching herself the skill of shop assistant through listening to her colleagues perform the role. One day she grabbed Clera and delivered a perfect shop talk. This positive determination is at the core of her personality and has earned her deep respect amongst the team. Her humility is only surpassed by her resilience and her skills have evolved to include photography, design, production management and marketing.

Phelida was orphaned at the age of 7 years old and, with her sister, lived with a beloved Grandmother. The challenges of her younger years have made her a determined and dedicated mother and she has now started her own happy family.

A fun fact about Phelida is her love of fighting in the school playground. She was in the same year as Clera and they kept well away from each other; whilst Clera admits to always having her lunch stolen by the other kids, Phelida tells tales of winning many physical scraps against boys and girls alike. Thankfully Clera and Phelida later became firm friends and this no doubt coincided with Clera enjoying her school lunches!  

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