Boots on the ground

Boots on the ground

We all love a story. I am a sucker for a happy ending too. To tell you the truth I get quite upset when an author ends a fictional book on a tragic note. I mean if the story is make believe let’s reach for feeling good right?! As you can imagine I read Romeo and Juliet once only.

Mulberry Mongoose is all about the story. We love sharing our ladies’ stories and bush stories of snakes in the bedroom, elephants in the workshop and dogs chasing hippos! I also feel it’s a powerful tool to create change…that’s where our love of the not for profit Boots on the Ground stems from.

Boots On The Ground is a grassroots company that enables other grassroot movements to save what we all love - nature and its inhabitants. They raise funds, support projects by offering training and assessments whilst telling the stories that matter through photographic lenses.

They are about to release a documentary about the people on the ground in conservation. The heartbreak, the endless nights out patrolling, the efforts and tears put into being the last barrier these animals have. This documentary highlights the stunning efforts to save our wildlife and to save a species…the Rhino.

Mulberry Mongoose love what they do; their films stir you to act …I do warn you they also make you cry. In honour of St Valentine’s Day any online sales in February will donate 20% of proceeds to their current project ‘Four paws on the ground- the dogs that save the rhino.’ Let’s work together to make conservation a story with a happy ending.

Check out their video: 


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